Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Please, come back!

These two ladies walked right past my table. I tried to get their attention, but they must have missed my giant Free Fashion Advice sign.  So, ladies, I hope you find this post! First up is the outfit on the left. Please do not wear a knee length dress over capri pants and paired with tennis shoes. Why would you do that? Can you see how short and stubby it makes you look? That dress is a perfectly reasonable length to wear on its own. There are also way to many straps going on up top. This would be better with a sleeveless tank top that has more coverage in the back. And finally, if comfort is what you are looking for there are plenty of comfy ballet flats out there that you can walk around in. With the style and pattern of this dress, I think an espadrille style flat would be particularly fetching.

Next up is the lady on the right. I'm not sure if "lady" is the correct word because it appears she is wearing boxer shorts. Can you see how horrible that looks? I don't care where you are headed to, this is not a good option. A vast improvement would be to swap those out for a denim skirt. Still casual, but a heavy enough material and hopefully with a little bit of structure, it will give your behind a much more flattering view. MUCH more flattering! I can't look at this picture anymore, its making me sad that they didn't stop for advice in the first place...


  1. Did these ladies know you snapped their photo and planned to critique them? I'm not sure I am down with the ethics (or lack thereof) of them not knowing. :(

  2. Are you worried I might snap you one day? : )

    This photo is perfectly innocent, FYI.


  3. The Glamour "Don't" genre is well worn territory that unfortunately too often translates for bloggers into unethically executed surveillance entitlement.

    BTW, ethics and legality are separate and just because it is legal doesn't make it within the confines of the appropriate or the kind.

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